Today's consumer may be more health conscious than ever before and they're putting the knowledge they've gained to good use – monitoring their sleep, exercising, and paying close attention to diet.
Is losing weight your healthy lifestyle goal? Japanese green tea may be able to help. Premium quality green tea contains tons of beneficial ingredients to support your weight loss program, and contains no artificial colors or preservatives. Calorie counters can rest easy knowing that a cup of plain green tea contains less than just 2 calories. Consumers should be aware however, that adding just one tablespoon of honey and cream to your green tea can boost that calorie count to 86, so individuals drinking green tea to lose weight should beware of putting additives into their cup.
Apart from being low in calories, green tea contains a metabolism boosting anti-oxidant which blocks the enzyme that breaks down the hormone used by the nervous system to signal fat cells to break down fat. Better still, this is just one of the ways in which green tea can support your healthy weight loss program.
It seems even early medical practitioners knew of tea's ability to help slim the waist line too. "Drinking tea for a long time makes one thin," says one Chinese medicinal classic Bencao Shiyi an early practical guide for clinical diagnosis and drug application. Just how much green tea does one need to drink to begin experiencing weight loss?
The University of Maryland Medical Center states that adding as little as 2 to 3 cups of green tea a day to your diet can be beneficial to those drinking the tea to lose weight. That's as simple as having one cup with breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Consumers should be aware that the amount of beneficial compounds in their tea leaves can vary from plant to plant. One way to ensure a consistently high level of these compounds is to look for tea that has been raised using the traditional Japanese Chagusaba farming method. The Chagusaba farming method produces a Japanese green tea that is especially high in a group of anti-oxidant flavonols called catechins and is a time-tested method for producing nutrient rich tea leaves.
A 1992 study by Harold Graham showed that roughly 30% of dried tea weight may consist of these catechins.(1) While these substances can be found in other dietary sources, according to a 2009 Journal of Nutrition study, this unique blend of antioxidant compounds in green tea is especially effective in supporting exercise-induced abdominal fat loss when coupled with a moderate intensity workout program of at least 180 minutes per week. Additional benefits were seen in shrinkage of total abdominal fat area, subcutaneous abdominal fat area, and fasting serum triglycerides.(2) The unique flavanol blend in green tea has been shown to be especially effective in this regard.
The flavanols found in green tea have also been shown to have insulin-lowering properties. This finding is important both to people who have been diagnosed with diabetes and to those who want to lose weight and keep it off successfully. In the body, fatty acids are absorbed from the blood stream into fat cells, muscle cells and liver cells. When these cells are stimulated by insulin in the body, fatty acids are made into fat molecules and stored in the body. More insulin means that more chemical signals in your body are telling your tissues to store fat. By lowering insulin levels, the catechins in green tea can help your body store less fat, helping you reach your weight loss goals more quickly and keep off excess weight once you've achieved them.
Although green tea has just 35mg of caffeine, far lower than the caffeine found in a single cup of coffee, these low doses can still help green tea drinkers shed pounds by boosting the metabolism and increasing body temperature. Ingestion of caffeine causes the body to release the hormone norepinephrine which primes the brain and body for action. The heart quickens and the body temperature rises, burning more calories. The body undergoes additional lipolysis, turning fats into more readily available energy sources.
It's interesting to note that it's really the interaction between the caffeine and catechins that gives green tea it's fat-shedding reputation. the ability of catechins to inhibit an enzyme that degrades norepinephrine.(3) Caffeine can help combat the mental and physical fatigue of exercising, allowing us to work out longer. As a mild diuretic, caffeine can help dieters lose excess water weight as well.
In addition to the above-mentioned chemical constituents, green tea contains yet another important flavonol, Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This compound has been shown to increase fat oxidation by 33 percent for up to two hours after eating. It is this fat oxidation process that takes large fat molecules and breaks them back down into their smaller parts, triglycerides and fatty acids, making their energy more available to the body.
Since flavonol content can vary from plant to plant and by brewing method, it is important to know how to select and prepare your green tea to ensure that it contains the maximum dietary benefit possible. To maximize the amount of pound-shedding potential in your cup of tea:
Below is premium quality Japanese Diet Pu-Erh tea with all the diet elements mentioned above. It has 1.7 times more diet element than other tea. Start drinking this daily in the morning to get maximum benefit.
(1)Green tea composition, consumption, and polyphenol chemistr
(2)Journal of Nutrition
February 2009 Vol. 139 no. 2 pp.264-270
(3)Green tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in overweight and obese adults.
(4)Factors affecting the levels of catechins and caffeine in tea beverage: estimated daily intakes and antioxidant activity
(5)Total phenol, catechin, and caffeine contents of teas commonly consumed in the United kingdom
If you have ever thought that Green Tea is an “acquired taste” or that it is “too bitter” to enjoy, we’re here to change your mind! We want everyone to experience the health benefits of Green Tea and show you that this can be an amazing, refreshing, and delicious drink when made correctly. With just a few tips on how to brew this powerful leaf, we can change your mind about the taste and enjoyment of drinking Green Tea.
Don’t miss out on the health benefits of tea!
We know that you will love this tips to brewing tea and getting the most flavor and elegance out of every cup. Sign up for our newsletter and get this great informative manual on brewing green tea. You will learn what it is that makes it one of the most popular beverages in the world.
The E-Book also includes the chapter of Kei Nishida's book, "Art of Brewing Japanese Green Tea" where he teaches you how to brew hot and cold Japanese Green Tea.
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